10 highest-paid professions of the future
When talking today about good income, always mention bankers, brokers and lawyers. However, in the future they will be more fashionable.
Experts say it will be necessary to turn a new page, and your ability to compromise with time.
Parents and grandparents need to change the advice that they give new generations when it comes to jobs from which will benefit the most. Experts warn that it would be wrong to assume that the professions are best paid today as lawyers, bankers and brokers will gain in future as before.
In 10 to 20 years there is likely very large works that we today are quite different. Professions such as "farmer vertical" or "persons who produce body parts" can be modern professions such as media adviser today.
Care for the elderly and farmers vertical
"The UK population is aging and this elderly population will need health care differently," says futurologu, James Bellini, adding that probably will need for consultants for the elderly, which will specialize in personal care elderly patients. He also sees major changes in agriculture, which has already seen the lack of food sources, where genetically modified products will become common, just as vertical cultivation which would be spared in space.
Futurologu Ian Pearson argues that the development of increasingly faster computers, people in the struggle for work will be first and foremost to enhance "human capabilities". When computers become more intelligent, work which will take people will require features such as leadership, motivation and sensitivity, "considers Pearson.
Futurologu and work psychologist Karen Maloney acknowledges and states that people will be divided into those who understand technology and those who do not agree with.
Moving from company to company and education
"Those who know how to program will create the world in which we live, so I think that should be jumping into this field," says Maloney, noting the names of works such as "programmers haptikë" respectively person who uses the science of touch for develop products and services.
James Callander, managing director in the company "FreshMinds" economist Mark Betson by Institute staff and development, agree that the period of employment of an employee in a company in the future will be even shorter than it is today, and that will be extremely rare for someone to work his whole life in a company. Mark Betson then states that the work will be necessary education, but also the desire for further learning.
And finally here's a list of works which in the future will be mostly paid, and which are found in the analysis of experts.
1,Digital architect who will design virtual buildings propaganda messages.
2,Carers of older people in their homes.
3,Consultant for the welfare of the elderly specialized personal care.
4,Person to create body parts for athletes and soldiers.
5,Vertical farmer, who will plant crops vertically to save space.
6,Climate controller, ie the person who will manage weather patterns.
7,Person for designing and managing virtual human holograms.
8,Broker to time, which will manage your spare time, which may offer someone in exchange for money or anything else.
9,Personal manager for brands, who will develop and manage your personal brand.
10Haptik programmer uses the science of touch for product development.